Meet Matt Gordon, The Authority Muse
I’m Matt Gordon, the Authority Muse at The Educated Authority. You might know me as an entrepreneur and marketing agency owner with over thirteen years of experience working with more than three hundred customers — including celebrities like an original “Star Trek” cast member, a PGA golf pro, and a national network news personality.
I’m also the creator of the Authority Archetype and Founder of The Educated Authority.
I’ve appeared in programs/events alongside Tucker Max, Lee Milteer, and Leonard Nimoy. My first best-selling book resulted in a number of six-figure business deals.
Now let’s talk about you:
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a respected thought leader in your field and earning more than before? To not only make a living, but impact others in the process?
It’s possible to redefine the ceiling on your income while making an impact on others. With dedication, hard work, and willingness to learn from successful people who came before us, we can transform our lives like never seen before! Learn about commonalities that top achievers share – including political leaders, businesspeople or scientists – so you can develop modern marketing strategies for generational success within your own market.